My mission is to leverage insight, innovation, and inclusive excellence to achieve equitable outcomes, strengthen relationships, build capacity, and drive overall success throughout organizations and communities.

I help organizations and communities improve their culture for success.

As featured on

“We must become bigger than we have been: more courageous, greater in spirit, larger in outlook. We must become members of a new race, overcoming petty prejudice, owing our ultimate allegiance not to nations but to our fellow men within the human community.”
—Haile Selassie

Dr. Brandon L. Wolfe is a diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging executive leader with a track record of creating data-driven solutions and outcomes across infrastructure and talent pipeline processes.

His mission is to leverage diversity and inclusion to achieve equitable outcomes, strengthen relationships, and drive overall success in organizations and communities.

Through increased responsibilities, he has developed a wide range of inclusive programs and initiatives, equity-centered and data-driven strategic plans, strategic models to meet diverse organizational needs, innovative visualizations to engage clients and partners around progress, curricula and educational workshops, and much more, showcasing his comprehensive expertise.

In addition to his executive leadership, Wolfe leverages his platform to advance the dialogue around diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging work as it relates to accountability, sustainability, and evolving the practice to meet the increasingly diverse needs of societal stakeholders. His advocacy is both human and community-centric, emphasizing the transformative power of unity, shared responsibility, grace, and compassion, offering hope and resilience in the face of challenges and fostering healing, encouragement, and opportunity.

For over 20 years, Wolfe has leveraged his unique skills as a researcher, educator, and strategist to bolster internal operations, cross-sector collaborations, and positive public perceptions across multiple industries. He’s been invited to share his research and practices at multiple conferences, review manuscripts in the world’s top research journal as a leading content expert, provide consulting to industry professionals, and give motivational keynotes to multiple audiences.

Wolfe has received numerous awards and recognitions for his efforts, including AERA Reviewer of the Year, Power 50 Top Chief Diversity Officer, and multiple Insight into Diversity Higher Education Excellence in Diversity (HEED) Awards.


Strategy. Innovation. Insights.

Strategic Planning
Through various leadership capacities, Wolfe has developed and integrated customized strategic models and comprehensive plans to amplify organizational commitment to its values and create infrastructure to advance, measure, and remain flexible to change.

Research and Scholarship
Wolfe is an award-winning researcher and reviewer who is often called upon as a content expert to help translate ideas to help shape the field of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging for audiences within and beyond academia.

Education and Workshops
Wolfe has a wealth of experience conducting educational programs and workshops and facilitating numerous sessions on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging topics and related societal implications.

Program Development
Wolfe has designed and facilitated innovative programs to address organizational priorities from recruitment and retention efforts to culturally responsive education opportunities that is inclusive of all audiences.

Data Analysis and Reporting
Wolfe has led the development of interactive data dashboards to enhance organization-wide understanding of equity gaps, illustrate how actions impact progress, and drive alignment of DEIB goals with business strategy.

Thought Leadership and Advocacy
Wolfe continues to contribute his expertise, influence, and voice to advocate for building, nurturing, and sustaining communities and organizational cultures responsive to the current and emerging realities of an increasingly diversifying society.

Creative Storytelling
As a visionary who believes in the power of brand management through storytelling, Wolfe has created a variety of publications, logos, and visual artifacts to communicate organizational progress over time.

Public Speaking
Wolfe is a sought-after public speaker who has delivered motivational keynotes and led community-centered dialogues to infuse research and culture to support equity, healing, inclusion, and capacity-building outcomes across industries and audiences.

Crisis Management
Throughout his career, Wolfe has demonstrated sensitivity and responsiveness in helping organizations prepare for, respond to, and recover from major crisis events.


News. Updates. Media Mentions.

Speaking. Media and Press. Consulting Inquiry.


Let us work together.